
Новая магнитная лента для катушечных магнитофонов RMG International B.V. Professional Audio LPR 35 (mod.34520) в наличие и под заказ любые модификации
История фирмы AKAI началась в июле 1929 г. Фирма выпускала множество различных устройств включая электромузыкальные инструменты и медицинскую технику. В начале 90-х годов была продана, в связи с появившимися финансовыми проблемами.
Подробнее о производителе
Глоссарий аббревиатур

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Цена в прошлом: 670$
Прекрасный аппарат с трёхмоторным приводом,автореверс при воспроизведение и записи. Прямой привод.Две скорости, питч -контроль.Характеристики почти совпадают с 747.Счётчик ленты в реальном времени.Если аппарат правильно настроен и имеет малый износ тракта, качество для меломанов просто отменное.

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4-channel/2-channel compatible stereo, 4 heads, automatic shut-off, pause control, index counter. The same AKAI robust mechanism for top rate performance and endurance. Slanted control panel for operating ease.

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Reel-to-reel cartridge combination 4-channel/2-channel stereo tape deck. Automatic shut-off (reel), One-Micron Gap Head, Automatic stop/ continuous play (cartridge).

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4 heads, 3 motors, repeat circuit for 4 channel and automatic reverse/continuous playback for 2 channel. Automatic stop & shut-off, direct function change, sound-on-sound, mixing.

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Reel-to-reel/cartridge combination tape deck. 3 motors, CROSS-FIELD HEAD for reel, Akai's ONE-MICRON GAP HEAD for cartridge. TRANSFER from reel to cartridge tape. Hysteresis synchronous motor for capstan drive and outer-rotor motors for reel drive.

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GX-HEAD focused-field recording system, S.R.T. Button, one-motor reverse, center capstan, automatic reverse, manual reverse, automatic stop & shut-off, easy one-lever system.

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GX-HEAD focused-field recording system, S.R.T. Button, 3 motors, automatic stop & shut-off, automatic and manual reverse, sound-on-sound. Attractive design to match construction quality.

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GX-HEAD focused-field recording system, S.R.T. Button, SERVO-CONTROL MOTOR for direct capstan drive, eddy-current outer-rotor motors for reel drive. Direct function change control, automatic reverse playback.

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GX-HEAD focused-field recording system, S.R.T. Button, 3 motors, compute-o-matic, reverse-o-matic, magnetic brake, auto-stop & shut-off, sound-on-sound, mixing, pause control.

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Reel-to-reel/cartridge combination, Akai's ONE-MICRON GAP HEAD, 4-channel/ 2-channel compatible stereo. Built-in 2-channel amplifier and speakers for 2-channel operation. Designed for simple and easy operation. |

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4-channel/2-channel compatible stereo, 4 heads, automatic shut-off, pause control, built-in 2-channel amplifier and speakers for 2-channel operation. Slanted control panel for operating ease. |

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Compact all-silicon transistorized tape recorder. Automatic shut-off, tape lifter, robust construction for dependable and durable operation. Also available in leather cabinet (1720L). |

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Reel-to-reel/cartridge/cassette combination tape recorder. Reel unit employs Akai's CROSS-FIELD HEAD, cartridge & cassette units employ Akai's superior ONE-MICRON GAP HEAD. TRANSFER from reel to cartridge or cassette tape. |

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Reel-to-reel/cartridge/cassette combination tape recorder. Reel unit employs Akai's CROSS-FIELD HEAD, cartridge & cassette units employ Akai's superior ONE-MICRON GAP HEAD. TRANSFER from reel to cartridge or cassette tape. |

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Reel-to-reel/cartridge combination tape recorder. 3 motors, CROSS-FIELD HEAD for reel and ONE-MICRON GAP HEAD for cartridge. TRANSFER from reel to cartridge tape. Hysteresis synchronous motor for capstan drive and outer-rotor motors for reel drive. |